Featuring Performance Guest, Pianist, Arranger, Musicianary, Alex-Zsolt; and Interview Guest, Anil Gupta, Love Doctor, Speaker, and Bestselling Author of, “Immediate Happiness,” on The Life Changes Show, Episode 826
Interview Guest: ANIL GUPTA; and Performance Guest: ALEX-ZSOLT
America’s Gospel Pianist, Alex-Zsolt, has a sincere passion to present the gospel through music that is inspirational. With his God-given talent, Alex presents music that ministers to people of all ages.
In the past twenty-six years, Alex has visited over 2,500 churches. With a focus and desire to honor the Lord, Alex shares hymns, praise & worship songs, as well as his own compositions, with a deep and passionate energy that he says is given to him by the Lord. “God gave me a special energy at the piano so the music can move people in a way that allows the passionate message of Jesus Christ to be conveyed.”
His ministry really connects with people and has been encouraging, uplifting, and inspiring since its start. By ministering to audiences, Alex is able to encourage and uplift through God’s word and music and as a result, is used as a tool for numerous souls to be welcomed into God’s Kingdom by accepting Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. A ministry event with Alex is not just a concert, but an opportunity for everyone to be involved in active worship and learn more about the magnificent love of God.
To date, Zsolt has released twenty CD projects, many are collaborations with award winning composer and arranger, David T. Clydesdale. Alex has published twenty piano books available through Lillenas/Lorenz Music (lorenz.com), Hal Leonard Co. (halleonard.com) and Alfred Music Publishing (alfred.com). In recent years, Alex was asked to do two special concert events (“Disney Pipes and Pops” and “A Tribute to Richard M. Sherman”) for the Walt Disney Company in Hollywood, CA at Disney’s Historic El Capitan Theatre on Hollywood Blvd.
Alex also continues to visit presidential museums and libraries across the country taking his concert titled, “America, My Home!” that features the music of America and his personal story of being the first American born in his family. He has also been invited by the Hollywood Family Film Awards.
Alex has also been a frequent guest on Christian television networks such as TCT, CTN, Skyangel, and on DirecTV. In 2017, Alex became a Dexibell Artist for a new and award-winning piano manufacturer (dexibell.com).
Alex has also been on several mission trips in recent months. “My ministry has been my passport around the world in order to share the good news; the gospel of Jesus Christ.”
This year, Alex and his ministry celebrate 26 years of ‘Music that Ministers.’ In a special concert ministry event titled, “God’s Grace,” Alex shares how this hymn has changed lives for 250 years and the impact of God’s amazing grace that is eternal.
Alex-Zsolt holds two cum laude degrees. One in music education and the other in music composition from the School of Music at Central Michigan University. Pursuing both degrees has enabled him to aid church choirs, orchestras, and praise and worship teams by means of seminars and workshops with an end result of offering quality music for different ensembles in ministry.
For twenty years now, Alex-Zsolt Ministries has been dedicated to helping children, families, and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice. This mission segment to the ministry has found sponsorships for over 800 children around the world.
As of 2007, Alex-Zsolt Ministries became a 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry based out of Nashville, TN where Alex resides. To God be all the glory, great things He has done!
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