Featuring Interview Guest, Anil Gupta, Love Doctor, Speaker, and Bestselling Author of, “Immediate Happiness;” and Pianist, Arranger, Musicinary, Alex-Zsolt, on The Life Changes Show, Episode 826
Interview Guest: ANIL GUPTA; and Performance Guest: ALEX-ZSOLT
Anil helps singles, couples and families overcome their struggles and issues in relationships in a rapid and powerful manner with proven results so they can live richer, fuller lives filled with love.
Anil Gupta has helped countless people overcome adversities leading them to experience life in a new dimension.
Anil is a best-selling international author and TEDx Speaker, positively impacting very large audiences in over 18 countries.
He has been featured in numerous publications and media outlets including Fox News, Sky TV, Harvard and much more. Anil has coached celebrities including Mike Tyson, was a guest speaker with Richard Branson on Necker Island and has been invited by heads of state and spiritual leaders like the Dalai Lama to meet them.
Anil Gupta overcame suicide in 2008 and has since then formulated the Happiness Formula, The Happiness Test, spoken on Fox News, Harvard, Sky TV, Tedx, written an international best seller, Immediate Happiness, and founded The Happiness Score.
He has held relationship and mindset workshops in over 18 countries and translated in 8 languages, with audiences of over 10,000 fans. Anil has a unique intuitive gift to remove the blockages that prevent people living fulfilled lives, using his intuitive and proven skill sets.
Find out what your Happiness Score is – click here
Find and Follow Anil Gupta at: www.MeetAnil.com