Featuring Performance Art Guest, Award-Winning Poet and Radio Host of “Profumi d’Italia,” Rita Monte; and Interview Guest, Passionate Love Advocate, Workshop Leader, Author of, “Enough as You Are,” and “Big Love,” Scott Stabile, on The LIFE CHANGES Show Episode 771
Interview Guest: SCOTT STABILE; and Performance Art Guest: RITA MONTE
At age twelve, Rita Monte immigrated to the United States of America with her beloved family. At a very young age she loved to listen to music on the radio, dreaming that one day not far away she could play a vital role in the world of music and radio.
When she came to the United States, the Italian radio shows were the only link she had with her beautiful and faraway land. Well, it’s been 27 years that Rita has been bringing music, information, public announcements, poetry, interviews and much more into our homes. Every Thursday from 5-7, pm on 90.3 FM, you can tune in to “Profumi d’Italia” Radio Show to attest to this.
In 1999 she graduated from Nassau Community College with an Associate’s degree.
Rita has taught Italian at Meadow Elementary School in Baldwin, from 1997-2000 and does private tutoring, as well. Rita is very active in the Italian American Community. She is the vice president of the I.A.W.C. (Italian American Women Center) A cultural group that helps promote the language and Italian culture. She is a recipient of many awards and honorary achievements from the community.
Rita has organized several fundraising events. She is past organizer of the Miss Italia Nel Mondo Pageant; for the Long Island and New York State area. In 2009 she organized Pantene Beautiful Lengths, a hair donation event, to benefit cancer victims who lost their hair from cancer treatments.
She is master of ceremony for many festivals and community events in the Metropolitan area. Rita is the creator and organizer of Home Made Wine Extravaganza, the first and only home-made wine competition in the New York area.
In 2006 Rita Monte had a starring role in the short film, Behind Locked Doors; the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, playing the role of Alessandra, an Italian immigrant and seamstress.
She has taken four semesters of writing classes at Nassau Community and attends several writing and poetry workshops. She is currently working on her first book of poetry, short stories, and inspirational quotes.
Rita Monte is married to an exceptional man Gianni and has a son Alessandro, who is very proud of his parents and his Italian background.
In her spare time Rita likes to make hand-made crafts and has created her own line of jewelry named, Rainbow Creations One-of-A-kind Jewelry by Rita.
She loves to read and write. Rita enjoys cooking with her son, Chef Alessandro. She loves going to the beach and swimming, as well.
“A true artist is one that knows how to be humble.”
– Rita Monte
More About Rita Monte and Profumi d’Italia at: