Featuring Performance Guest, Composer and Musician, Darren Campbell Jenkins; and Interview Guest, “The Death Midwife,” and Inter-Faith Minister, Olivia Bareham, on The LIFE CHANGES Show Ep709, Titled, “How to Die Consciously – Changing the Culture of Dying”
Interview Guest: OLIVIA BAREHAM; and Performance Guest: DARREN CAMPBELL JENKINS
I’m Darren Jenkins, a composer living in Edinburgh Scotland. I’ve always been intrigued by sound design, programming and of course building the best home studio allowing the freedom of creativity.
I have had a passion for writing music from a very early age. I began this wonderful journey in production music in late September 2018 when I was introduced to Michael John Mollo here at Velvet Green music. We collaborated on over 40 tracks in my first 14 months since being signed.
I have gained so many new skills which include: improving track layouts and instrumentation, reading and understanding briefs, communication in the business and writing lots of genres that VGM has to offer. Michael has an abundance of knowledge, What you can learn from him and from the material we are provided with is truly priceless.
If I could sum up library production music I would say, it is a wonderful and educational journey, having the freedom to be able to write many different genres of music from all regions across the world. This brings with it the ability to meet amazing, talented people, learning about their cultures and the culture of traditional instruments and most importantly making friendships that will last a lifetime. For this very reason I will continue to write and enjoy what I do.
I have multiple albums and tracks available across the world of library production music and I continue to grow my catalog. I am truly blessed to work with so many great publishers.
Some labels I have worked with include: Gargantuan, Velvet Green Music, APL Publishing, Earmotion Audio Creation, Hollywood Trax music, BMG production music, Warner Chappell US, Warner Chappell Elbroar, Warner Chappell Color TV, Fantasy music, Lovely music, Bart music library, Amadea production music, Sonoton Gargantuan, Velvet Green Music, APL Publishing, Earmotion Audio Creation, Hollywood Trax music.
More About Darren Jenkins and his music at: https://velvetgreenmusic.com/artist/Darren-jenkins/
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