“The Best Thing You Can Give the World Is a Happy You” by Diana Cole
How can you make the biggest impact in the world for yourself and others? I believe the answer is simple. Ask yourself these questions:
- What if you decided your happiness was the most important thing to you?
- What if you decided your job was to feel good as often as possible about your relationships, your interactions, and your world?
Some may say this sounds selfish, but is it? How would you show up in the world if you felt truly happy? How would you interact with others?
Through the work I did to transform my own life, I learned a few things. Being selfish is a term rife with negative connotations, but being selfless — focusing on everyone else — guarantees I won’t be happy!
If I focus on what my friend is thinking about me, why the gardener hasn’t shown up yet, whether my Facebook friends will “like” my post, or countless other things I have no control over, then I can never, ever, ever be happy. I can be preoccupied, distracted, concerned, or worried, but not happy. My assumptions about what they’re thinking or doing, and why, become the conditions upon which I base my feelings.
One of the greatest gifts available to us as human beings is the ability to consciously choose beautiful thoughts and perceptions, no matter what. I embrace this gift with both arms. Now I see the beauty I desire, regardless of outer conditions. I don’t wait for the world to tell me that it’s okay to feel good, to feel happy, or to be well. And because my cup is full to the brim, I want nothing more than to give to others from that wellspring of happiness. What if you felt that way?
The way to get the very most out of this life is to understand that your purpose is to reunite yourself with the power of choice in your daily life. No matter what has happened to you in the past, no matter what you’ve endured before today, you can become the positive-thought thinker you were born to be — one who chooses to be happy and inspires others through your joy.
You have this choice, but you must do the work to feel happy, not wait for life to give you permission. Don’t wait for an event to cause happiness; be happy now, no matter what, and watch your life improve. In this place of living in a happier life, you cause happiness and inspire happiness in all others you encounter. I try to image what it would be like if we lived in a world where everyone was happy.
What if everyone felt internally powerful, connected to everyone and everything else? And what if everyone only spoke positive words? What if each person only thought positive thoughts about themselves and everyone else? What if everyone felt like their life — as it is now — is their purpose, and they felt connected to that purpose? Even for just one day, think about all we could create and how far we could all advance collectively toward a better way to experience this life we share.
About: Diana Cole is a spirit translator, thought leader, and author. Passionate about spirit guidance, she is committed to teaching people how to access it for themselves so they may find freedom from pain and limitation and live a life of abundance, fun, and inspiration. Diana offers her empowering tools for spirit guidance in group settings, speaking engagements, live workshops, and through her vibrant Instagram and Facebook communities.
She is the author of “Spirit Translator: Seven Truths for Creating Well-Being and Connecting With Spirit” (St. Martin’s Press, August 2020) and coauthor of “Pillars of Success” (August 2020) with Jack Canfield. Diana’s first children’s book, “Alina the Positive Thought Warrior,” is due to be released at the end of 2020. Learn more at www.DianaCole.com.
Hear Diana Cole Interviewed on The LIFE CHANGES Show at: https://lifechangesnetwork.com/dont-wait-to-be-happy-with-guest-diana-cole-and-musical-guest-jami-lula-show-593/