“New Year’s Resolution Blueprint™,” with Guest Richard Krawczyk, aka Mr. Blueprint, Author of many books, inc. “Leadership Blueprint in a Digital Age,” and CEO of Blueprint Digital Media, and Zenith Data; and Musical Guest, Singer, Songwriter, Guitarist, Colin Martin on The LIFE CHANGES Show
The Story Doesn’t Have A Beginning…..
….as we experience the middle parts, we see that open doorways let us embrace the illusion of a new beginning……and that helps to make life fun. Over and over again. So open the door and BEGIN!
My name is Colin. I sometimes feel the need to BE AMAZING in life. My head and my heart whisper things to me like “you can do anything you put your mind to” and “follow your dreams and never give up.” And when I let my dreams form in my consciousness, they include music and community, family and compassion, Mother Earth and healthy people. I grew up in the east of the United States near the Pennsylvania/Ohio/West Virginia area. I’ve been with music my whole life and even chose to study it in university to further my understanding. I have traveled the world through North and South America, Europe and Asia, always with a guitar on my shoulder or a saxophone slung around my neck.
The journey has always been good to me and continues even on this day. The consistent mystery of life tosses me into the wildest experiences. Through those experiences I learn so many cool things that make me more prepared for this NOW MOMENT! What am I doing now? That’s what is important.
Well I can tell you this, I am singing in my heart and paying attention to the world around me. I have the responsibility to be amazing with my life. Shining gratitude on all the wonderful blessings shown to me: my inclination toward music, my loving and patient family, my relationships, friends, collaborators, teachers, my girlfriend, my health and happiness and my ability to create and nurture those things every moment, is a practice every day.
More About Colin Martin at www.homehereandnow.com
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