Ask Dorothy – It’s only the Twelfth of January and I’ve Already Broken All My New Year Resolutions, Help! as Answered by Dorothy Lee Donahue on The LIFE CHANGES Show Episode #511 S11:E2 (2019)
Q: Dear Dorothy, My name is Gladys and I am still living in San Diego. You taught me years ago that I am the co creator of this thing called life as ME, and I have been doing my best to think before I speak, act or believe anything. However, it is only the twelfth of January and I have broken almost all of my New Year’s resolutions. I want this year to be the best ever as you have shared that possibility with me. Why can’t I manifest it easily and effortlessly and stick to my goals?
A: My dear Gladys, it is so good to hear from you and although you seem to be dismayed by your attempts to cocreate the life and world you deserve, I am thrilled that you have asked this most important question. As humans, we have been programmed to write our resolutions as “I want”, “ or I will”…like in I will be thinner this year or I will find a job I love. In truth, when we want something, we are simply pushing away the possibility of manifesting our new way of being and doing and living. Instead of making a list of things you want to see happen, think about how awesome everything would be if you simply became the very best Gladys that you can be. My new years resolution and my declaration for 2019 and for every day of the rest of my life is very simple and yet, I believe, the most powerful thing I can do to have a wonderful and rewarding life. I resolve to become the very best ME that I can possibly be. The way I am accomplishing this is by making my choices from my heart and not from my head. I am doing the best I can do to choose response over reaction. I am doing my best to think before I speak and to move out of judgment into observation. I am choosing love over fear and I love the new me. I believe that once we make our mantra something like this: I AM the best me I can be! That our higher selves will support us in accomplishing this. Another simple resolution that also works is this: Every day in every way, my life is better and better and better. Let’s all chose to be the best we can be this year and every day and watch our lives transform.
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