Featuring Interview Guest, Award-Winning Theatre and Cirque Director, Comic Act Designer, Master Teacher, and Author of The Power of HA!, Stefan Haves; and Performance Guest, Singer, Songwriter, Guitarist, Brian Nahlen on The LIFE CHANGES Show, Episode 750
Interview Guest: STEFAN HAVES; and Performance Guest: BRIAN NAHLEN
Stefan Haves is a native of Los Angeles, California, who studied clown in Europe and ended up at Cirque du Soleil directing them— devising the clown acts for Kooza, Iris, Drawn to Life, and others.
He is a visionary vanguard in the entertainment world, creating globally, refining a contemporary cirque/theatre hybrid as he directs circus, theatre and film projects, Haves has conducted personal appearances for blue-chip companies such as PepsiCo, Disney, and the Bombay Stock Exchange.

He leads masterclasses worldwide, delving into such topics as imagination, humor, empathy, and connection. Stefan cut his teeth as an actor and a visual- comedian— even garnering $10,000 on America’s Funniest People.
THE POWER OF HA! shares comic insights and techniques by way of Stefan’s own sideshow odyssey, coupled by a surprising, spiritual renewal. Beginning as a street juggler in Paris and ending as a creator at Cirque du Soleil, Haves now elders others in the art of connection, the privilege of play, and the concussive calamity that is comedy.
More About Stefan Haves at:
Get The Power of HA! book at: www.amazon.com/dp/B0BNQDM1LS