“Brilliant Man” by Dorothy Lee Donahue
Q: Dear Dorothy, my name is Monique and I am in Los Angeles. I am totally in love with a man who just cannot seem to see himself as I see him and know him to be. He is absolutely brilliant and I believe he will be a world leader bringing much higher consciousness to Humanity. He is beginning to see himself more clearly and is taking steps to expand.
My beloved has shown me so many amazing things and he has also shown me a not so good side of him. He leaves his underwear and dirty clothes on the bathroom floor and just will not pick up after himself. I guess I complained about this too much to my best friend who told me yesterday that it might be time for me to end the relationship. I don’t want to walk away from our passionate relationship. I want to continue to love him and support him in being the best he can be. What do you advise?
A: Monique, this is a most interesting question and I am happy for you that you are exploring this in depth instead of just taking advice which may or may not be in your highest and best good. I intuit that if you are complaining all of the time about your man to your friend, there is a lot to explore here. If his untidiness is all of his not so good part and if your man has been loyal and supportive of you and if his amazingness far outweighs the not so good, then an elegant choice would be to explore this not so good side of him with a counselor or relationship coach.
Talking this over with a good advisor could help you find a way to make this relationship more harmonious and rid you of your need to be complaining all of the time. It could also assist you in determining what you need from this relationship that you are not receiving and help you get what you desire. I trust that with a professional advisor, you will determine what your next step should be and that you only need to share your happiness with your best friend.
Hear the show that features this Ask Dorothy at: https://lifechangesnetwork.com/suicide-prevention-talking-to-save-lives-with-guest-alexandra-eisner-and-musical-guests-the-waters-on-show-582/
To ask Dorothy Lee Donahue a question to be possibly answered on-air, write to her at AskDorothy@lifechangesshow.com
To Learn More About Dorothy Lee Donahue, Visit Her at www.dorothyleedonahue.com or
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