This Blog Post was Written and Shared With The LIFE CHANGES Show by Past Performance Guest, Singer / Songwriter, Galit. There Was More to Say and Learn After the Show, So We Invited Her to Share In a Blog. Find the link to the archived show here.
“Blame It On Me”
Is a song about the process of healing, growing, and transforming.
In essence, the song is a spiritual dance between women’s power and masculine vulnerability.
It was born at a time when I was exploring my own femininity and making peace with it. Creatively it was born from the premise that every man knows that his arrival to this world depended on a woman — the giver of life. Her womb was his first home, in which his survival depended on her nurturing and care. Starting from the umbilical cord to the first drop of milk, to the caring and loving energy of his birth mother.
The stronger the man is, the more he will be connected to this fact and embrace his
vulnerabilities and dependencies.
Women, on the other hand, I hope will be inspired by this song to connect to their true power, the essence of her divine energy — her femininity. Which is so much greater than her physical body.
Her strength isn’t derived from adapting
more masculine characteristics, but by connecting to her ability to give up ego, control, and power, and replace those paradigm with wisdom.
When all is said and done, we are all yin and yang, encompassing both masculine and feminine energy. And at the end of the day, the key to having a fruitful and transformational life is to balance and embrace both the masculine and feminine clay we are made of.
More about Galit, and hear the song on the show Episode 755 here: