“Silence – Bliss and Health” by Pradeep Kumar Cheruvathoor
All Beings are in search of Bliss, because it is One’s Original Nature, but sullied by thought. This applies from single celled organisms to all forms of Life including that of the Human.
Silence and Health are intimately intertwined. Body is a Projection of the Mind. Mind is a Projection arising from the Self. Bliss or Silence is its Original Nature. The undisturbed State of Being is Bliss. While the disturbed State is what appears as the World, Self is Non Dual. Every human being has daily experiences of this Non Dual State in Deep Sleep, but without Awareness. The goal of all Mindfulness, Meditation, yoga and other practices is to enter this Non Dual State with Awareness in the waking state.
Self, Silence and Bliss are synonyms.
Bliss alone IS.
There is no enjoyer to enjoy pleasure. Enjoyer and Joy both merge in it. In the Non Dual State, there is Bliss alone unsullied by Thought. In Duality, there is experience. What comes and goes is Experience with its Duality of Pain and Pleasure. What we call knowledge falls within the realm of Duality, as it presupposes a separate Observer. Bliss is not to be experienced. One is always Bliss but never Blissful. Bliss is not an attribute.
To leave this State of Bliss through thought and therefore suffer is the Human Condition.
The Body is governed by the Breath. The Breath is governed by the Mind or Thoughts. Therefore, when the thoughts are colored by Emotions such as Fear, Anger, Anxiety, Love, Hatred, the Breath is disharmonious and therefore programs disease from the Mind to the Body. The Body undergoes anxiety states and one suffers.
If we live a simple true life from the Awareness of Self or Silence or Bliss, we will have a Pure Mind that would crystallize into a Pure Body. Of course, one would have to suffer the consequences of past thoughts and actions, as they are arrows that have already left the bow. One can stop adding to ill health of the Mind and body, when one operates from the Authentic Space of Stillness or Silence.
From the sense of separation, comes the thoughts or Mind. From the Mind comes the Body. To practice Silence is to address the problem in its root, namely the sense of separation. As we transcend separation, we become harmonious, our Mind, body and breath are harmonious. Our Health improves all around and we have healthy relationships with our world.
Our Health is dependent upon the quality of the Breaths that we take.
The more we react to the world around us, the more disease we program for ourselves. It does not matter how many millions you have in your bank or the properties that we own, or if we are penniless. We have to take care of our Breath. Silence is the secret behind Harmonious Breath.
We live in times where Nature through the Covid Virus has forced us to withdraw from frantic activity and focus on essentials. It is a pointer to take the journey inward. Exactly 100 years ago, we had the same reminder from Nature through the Spanish Flu and we chose to ignore it. History is repeating itself. This is an opportunity where humanity is again at the cross roads.
There is a trodden path of going after the world, thinking of it as separate or we can chose to go within, where our Blissful, Joyful and Healthy destiny awaits. Silence is the key to the inward bound journey. Let us lose if we must, but never lose the lesson lest history repeats itself and our children and grand children have to suffer our same fate. We need to exercise this choice consciously and responsibly.
Find Pradeep Kumar Cheruvathoor at: www.linkedin.com/in/pradeepkumarcheruvathoor/
Follow Pradeep Kumar Cheruvathoor at: www.twitter.com/silenceglobal
Hear Pradeep Kumar interviewed on The LIFE CHANGES Show at: https://lifechangesnetwork.com/leveraging-the-power-of-silence-with-guest-pradeep-kumar-cheruvathoor-and-musical-guests-suzanne-teng-and-gilbert-levy-on-show-592/